Sigma Mixer, Double Arm Z blade Sigma Mixer
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Sigma Dough Mixer

Double Arm Sigma Dough Mixer

How Sigma Kneader Works?

SIGMA KNEADER consist of double "U" shaped container made of either Mild Steel or Stainless Steel 304 or 316 with jacket of Carbon Steel covering two side for heating or cooling application & dust free cover to accomplish vacuum if desired or normal cover.

The mixing elements are two nos. Z type steel casted blades.. They contra rotate inward fitted at close or specified clearance with the container to give thorough and uniform mixing. There is a gland pusher of gun metal bush which ensure minimal friction and extend the life of mixing elements (Blades). Two counter rotating mixing arms rotate at different speeds (usually in the ratio of 3 to 2) in the trough, the intersection of which forms a saddle and the arms meet tangentially just above the saddle.

The mixing action is a combination of bulk movement, shearing, stretching, folding, dividing, and recombining as the material is pulled and squeezed against blades, saddle, and side walls. Continually new layers of material are compressed and folded over one another and are subjected to shearing forces. New surfaces are formed and the components can penetrate. The blades, which are ground and polished, successively sweep all points of the trough surface during each revolution, at the same time dividing the batch continuously across the saddle piece and thereby achieving a perfect mix.

"DUPLEX" Kneader

Duplex kneaders are twin basin kneaders with two horizontally arranged kneading blades, which are deeply geared into one another and strip themselves reciprocally. The kneading blades are turning to a ratio of 1:2. Because of their different speeds, the blade sides approach and withdraw alternately.

This causes high pressure tensile and shearing rates and therefore heavy friction in the kneading medium, which creates excellent dispersing and homogeneity. The shape of the kneading blades enables a steady flow of material from the side walls of the kneading trough to the middle of the trough.

Apart from the sigma blades, we also offer sigma disperser blades

Different types of Sigma Blade Available

Sigma- or Z-form blade
Two wing blade
Double naben

Sigma Dough Mixer Adavntacges

  • Two mixing blades placed in a 'w' shaped horizontal trough
  • Commonly used blade types are the sigma blade, masticator blade, spiral blade, shredder and naben blade
  • Rotation of the blades is either tangential to each other or the blades may overlap within the trough.
  • Blades pass the container walls and each other at close clearances generally (1-2 mm)
  • The mixer bowl may be jacketed for circulation of heating or cooling media.
  • Viscosity range upto 10 million cps
  • Viscous mass of material is pulled, sheared, compressed, kneaded and folded by the action of the blades against the walls of the mixer trough.
  • Fill Up is 40 – 65 % of bowl volume
  • Mixing homogeneity upto 99 percent
  • Specific power – 45 to 75 kW/ m3
  • Discharge of the material from the mixer By tilting of the mixer container
  • Bottom discharge valve Through an extruder, screw

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